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I specialize in various types of photography, including portrait, landscape, event, and commercial photography. Each shoot is tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of my clients, ensuring unique and high-quality results.

Absolutely! You can view a selection of my work on my website’s portfolio page. This will give you a sense of my style and the quality of my photography.

Yes, when my photographs are created as NFTs, they automatically appear on third-party marketplaces. You can find and purchase my work on the following platforms:

For non-NFT photography, you can view and purchase my work on:

My pricing varies depending on the type and scope of the photoshoot, as well as any travel and accommodation requirements. All of these details will be discussed during our consultation call to provide you with an accurate and personalized quote.

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a unique digital asset stored on the blockchain. For photographers, creating NFTs for their photos ensures proof of ownership, authenticity, and protection against unauthorized use or claims. This technology helps safeguard creative works and can enhance the value of original photographs.

By converting my photos into NFTs, I establish proof of ownership on the blockchain. This process helps protect my work against theft and ensures that I can verify my rights if someone attempts to claim my photos as their own. While I also create NFTs for client photos, these are not sold and are solely for ownership verification purposes. This approach has been crucial in safeguarding my work, especially after previous incidents where individuals attempted to sue me by falsely claiming ownership of my photos.

At the moment, I only offer NFTs and digital downloads of my work. However, I am exploring the possibility of offering physical prints in the future. Please stay tuned for updates on this service.

You can stay updated by following us on social media, subscribing to our newsletter, and regularly checking our website for news and updates. This way, you'll be the first to know about new services, special offers, and recent projects. Check out my social links at

Client photos are handled with the utmost care and security. We use secure, encrypted storage solutions and create NFTs for proof of ownership without selling them. This ensures that your photos remain private and protected from unauthorized access or claims.

We use the Polygon POS chain, a layer 2 solution for Ethereum, to create our NFTs. This choice allows for lower gas fees while maintaining robust security. The images are uploaded and stored on the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), ensuring decentralized and secure distribution.

Additionally, we use OpenDrive as a backup service to store images in the cloud. OpenDrive provides quick and easy end-to-end encrypted storage, adding an extra layer of security for your photos.

By using blockchain technology and creating NFTs for all photos, I ensure that there is indisputable proof of ownership. This helps in quickly resolving any disputes over photo ownership and protecting my work from unauthorized claims. If a dispute arises, the blockchain records serve as a verifiable source of truth.

Currently, I do not offer photography services worldwide. My photoshoots are exclusively available within the United Kingdom.

To get in touch, please visit our booking page where you can schedule a 30-minute call. During this call, we can discuss all the details of your shoot. Please note that this call will be recorded to ensure a vocal transcript of our agreement, followed by an email with the contract and booking details.

I adhere to all recommended safety guidelines to protect the health and well-being of my clients and myself. This includes wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and using sanitized equipment. If you have any specific concerns, please let me know so we can accommodate them.

Depending on the type of photo shoot, you may want to bring additional outfits, props, and personal items that reflect your style and preferences. We will discuss this in detail during our consultation call.

I kindly request that anyone present at the shoot who has not been hired by you or is not assisting me refrain from taking photos. This is to prevent any interference, such as getting in the way or causing issues with lighting, which could affect the quality of my photographs.

If the weather is unfavourable on the day of the shoot, we will need to reschedule. While this is an act of nature and beyond our control, please be aware that rescheduling may take weeks, months, or even up to a year due to availability. This rescheduling comes at no extra charge. To keep your slot, a 50% refund will be provided initially, which will be payable again after the rescheduled shoot at no additional cost.

I understand that plans can change. If you need to cancel or reschedule a booking, please contact me at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations made within this period will be fully refunded or rescheduled at no additional cost. For more details, please refer to our policy page.

Yes, I offer professional photo editing services to enhance and perfect your images. This includes color correction, retouching, and other adjustments to ensure your photos look their best. While I make most of the editing decisions, I am open to a few suggestions from you to ensure the final result meets your expectations.

Payments can be made via bank transfer, crypto wallet-to-wallet transfer, credit card, or through secure online payment platforms in fiat or cryptocurrency. Payments are due on the day of the photoshoot.

Please note that if payment is not received, the photos will be held until payment is secured.

The turnaround time for receiving your final photos depends on the complexity of the shoot and the amount of post-processing required. You can expect to receive your edited photos within 2 to 4 weeks after the shoot.

No, I do not provide RAW unedited photos.

No, you will not receive all the images from the shoot. Some photos may not meet quality standards or may not be suitable for sharing. You will receive the best edited and curated selection of images that reflect the highest quality from the shoot.

Client satisfaction is very important to me. After you receive your photos, I welcome your feedback and will make a few reasonable revisions to ensure you are happy with the final product. Significant changes may incur additional costs.

As the photographer, I retain the copyright to all images taken during client photoshoots. Clients are granted a license to use the photos for any purpose other than selling them.

For details on the usage rights for NFTs and digital downloads, please visit our Terms of Use page.

Yes, I offer discounts for clients who book multiple sessions or refer new clients to me. Please contact me for more details about our discount programs and how you can benefit.